
Two people rescued during sailboat race

Shoreline Area News 3/11 12:09A DKH
Two people fell from one of the sailboats in this race Photo by John Wolfe Several agencies responded to rescue two people in the water off Edmonds Saturday morning after they fell from one of the sailboat in the race on Saturday, March 8, 2025....

Bellevue College Transit Hub with Gondola

Seattle Transit Blog 3/10 2:00A Martin Pagel
Currently most bus lines on the eastside are radiating from the Bellevue Transit Center. With the growth of Bellevue College and with the city s efforts to make the campus more transit friendly, Metro...

Community gathering and celebration of both Ramadan and Nowruz

Shoreline Area News 3/10 12:23A DKH
The House of Wisdom, a Lynnwood nonprofit that provides free tutoring to disadvantaged students, is partnering with the Edmonds Waterfront Center to host a community gathering and celebration of both Ramadan and Nowruz. The event will be held...

Sunday Movie: Excessive Studies

Seattle Transit Blog 3/9 2:00A Mike Orr
Why it takes so long to build transit, studies edition. (RMTransit) This is an open thread.

Trees are valuable assets in Shoreline

Shoreline Area News 3/8 11:20P DKH
After Property owners are encouraged to design around large trees. Photo by Trish Woollcott The fee-in-lieu for removal of trees 24” DBH and greater is intended to encourage innovative housing design, avoid the cost of tree removal, and preserve...

Redmond Link Stations and Walkability

Seattle Transit Blog 3/7 12:00A Wesley Lin
This article will provide a brief overview of Redmond s Link stations walkability and bikeability. It s a followup to our Redmond Station Areas article a year ago. In the Starter Line segment that...

Alice by Heart at the Black Box Theatre opens May 15, 2025

Shoreline Area News 3/6 12:08A DKH
The Black Box Theatre at Edmonds Presents: Alice by Heart by Duncan Sheik, Steven Sater, and Jessie Nelson Directed by Rachel Klem Alice by Heart is a musical version of Alice in Wonderland seen through the eyes of a young woman living in...

Ridership Patterns for King County Metro Route 160

Seattle Transit Blog 3/6 12:00A Michael Smith
King County Metro route 160 travels inbound from Auburn Transit Center to Renton Transit Center, via Kent and Benson Hill. Outbound trips travel in the reverse direction. In January 2025, Route 160...

Midweek Roundup: Dog Bus

Seattle Transit Blog 3/5 12:00A Nathan Dickey
66 days until the Downtown Redmond Link Extension opens . Transportation: Trump Officials Delay Expected Approval Date for West Seattle Light Rail as part of the administration s chaotic efforts to cut spending (The Urbanist) Sound Transit has a...

SODO guideway construction

Seattle Transit Blog 3/3 4:47A Martin Pagel
At last week s Sound Transit Board meeting, Sound Transit s West Seattle project manager Brad Owen showed the extend of the guideway from the SODO station along the Spokane viaduct, across Highway 99...

Road usage charge debate returns to Olympia

My Edmonds News (Traffic) 3/3 4:27A MyEdmondsNews
This article was first published by TVW. State lawmakers in Olympia are again debating a plan to establish a road usage charge for funding state highways. Supporters say the change...

Sunday Movies: Utrecht & Cable-Stayed Bridges

Seattle Transit Blog 3/2 12:00A Mike Orr
A tale of two cities: Utrecht and Fake London (Ontario, Canada). (Not Just Bikes) Both were walkable streetcar towns before cars, both went in a car-oriented direction in the mid 20th century. But in the 1990s Utrecht changed course and is now a...
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